Watoto Children’s Choir


Watoto Children’s Choir: This choir is coming to Sevenoaks February 5 at The Ship Theatre Walthamstow Hall, 7:30pm. They have travelled internationally since 1994 as advocates for the estimated 50 million children in Africa, orphaned as a result of HIV/AIDS, war, poverty and disease.  Watoto choirs act as ambassadors to raise awareness about the plight of the orphaned and vulnerable children of Africa. Issues such as poverty, HIV/AIDS, the effects of war and the child soldier crisis in Northern Ugandan are highlighted. Each of the children in the choir has suffered the loss of their parents either through war or disease. The experience gives the children exposure to other cultures broadening their worldview giving confidence and boldness and helps them rise up out of their own situations of sadness and despair. Tickets are free and it’s a fantastic thing to invite a non Christian friend to. You won’t be disappointed.

Small world cafe

Small World Cafe is a friendly group for international families in the Sevenoaks area. Pop along for a cup of tea or coffee and enjoy some nice biscuits or cakes while the children play with toys and games. Every session we will explore a different country of the world. Small World Cafe takes place every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month at Vine Evangelical Church (Hitchen Hatch Lane) 15:30-17:30 FREE ENTRY